Your mindset is you biggest asset through this process and it has likely been your biggest barrier in your past efforts.
Proper water intake is a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered for most individuals. This important skill will be a game changer.
A lack of adequate sleep not only effects your general mood - it has a direct impact on your adrenal health and body composition.
During our first dive into the nutrition protocols we will take a look at the types of foods and nutrition habits that lead to better health.
Then we will look at food intake at the detail level - learning about BMR, caloric consumption and macro calculation to name a few.
N.E.A.T. - or, non exercise activity thermogenesis is part of your metabolic engine. We will find ways to capitalize on this for you.
By increasing proper digestion we can actually reduce inflammation and improve all over metabolic health and well being.
Your ability to move effectively is the precursor to more intense exercise protocols. We will get your body primed for more.
In this phase we really incorporate exercise and begin to see a greater shift in overall body recomposition and transformation.
Finally, we begin to master the skills needed to continually reevaluate and tweak all of the previous arenas to be your best!